Love Hotel is a point and click game that I and a few friends developed in 4 rocky days between the 1st and the 4th of November for a Game-jam called InkJam2024.
The theme of the jam was:

My friend Giammarco thought immediately at a dating sim game where you need to synchronize your schedule with the one of your future s.o.

The initial idea was much more ambitious that what came out, as it usually is in this jams.
During the days we had a few issues, like being ghosted by all the artist we knew and who could help us for the graphics. So it was done by hand on a tabled by Giammarco, while he was at Lucca Comics.

Similarly, our brilliant artist Doruchi, fell ill after giving us the temporary soundtracks and couldn’t finish them up. So that is what we used.

It could’ve gone better, we could’ve organized better, but we feel proud just to have produced a finished product: of the original 100+ participants, only 19 delivered a game in this jam.

You can play it on!

Love Hotel, play it on