Changes to Recipe. I tried to follow the instruction of that Facebook post on the La Pavoni Owner group, and w.r.t 24.10.27 (1) Dialing in La Esmeralda on La Pavoni Europiccola I went finer to 1.5.0

Notes. I still got some drips during pre-infusion. I still find frustating that I can seem to understand how to pre-heat the grouphead without letting water trough (which, from the Pulling Shots with La Pavoni Europiccola pre-Millennium seems to be unnecessary).
However, I still got nice clarity, better body than last time, and overall a pretty good shot. I wished it had more body and more crema, and since I still got drippings, I might push a little finer to 1.4.3 to see what I get. However I should probably consolidate this recipe. (Done!)